Welcome to nus@HMS. This web site acts as our Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for the hmsIST reconstruction method. hmsIST was developed at Harvard Medical School as an algorithm to reconstruct non-uniformly acquired NMR data. This web portal is a tutorial on how to use this software. Below is a brief outline of the pages available. These pages are still under construction. Please send software requests to Gerhard Wagner and Sven Hyberts at
Support for hmsIST, pulse programming and generic processing of reconstructed data using nmrPipe can be found by contacting Scott Robson at
Generating Schedules
Here we discuss how to generate schedules for use with pulse programs. Provided is a web-based app that will generate schedules for you. It only works under the Chromium (Google) browser at the moment. There is a minor work-around for older versions of the Firefox browser. See "Instructions" panel on that page.
Using Pulse Programs
Here we discuss how to implement several pulse programs that utilize the schedules generated above. There is a heavy emphasis on getting triple resonance experiments to work.
2, 3 and 4D Processing
Primarily we discuss the processing (reconstruction) of 3D spectra however examples of 2Dprocessing can be found here. 4D examples are pending. Sorry about the delays on this point.